Alexis Outland

Meet Artist and former school of rock student(singer) and just know a bit about them! All the art in the photos DO NOT belong to me

Meet Alexis Outland!

Backgrounds information

I am Alexis, A Enby, I'm Pansexual.
I am a former student at School of rock, and a kinda former singer.
I do Artwork and Paid Commissions

Plans for future

"Future Plans?"

I don't really wanna plan for the future. For it is unknown, I think it's okay to plan for small things than bigger things, but It's okay to keep those ideas in mind

What do I do?

Art Commitions, Hobbies, or anything in free time

I do Art. I wanna start with fanart soon but I Oc character art. I also do paid Commissions for art, I play Osu, Warframe, Roblox, Minecraft, Yandere sim, FnF.
I also love music of any genre except most country songs

Social media

That's All!

Follow me on Social Media to see my work!